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Module 5

Moving Towards Mastery



Systems Integration: Moving Toward Mastery is the final of the 4 modules in the Advanced Intermediate Series of the Organization and Relationship Systems Coaching (ORSC™) Program.


This module integrates the dimensions of Intelligence, Geography, and Path through hands-on practice, group supervision, a deepened understanding of the underpinning of the model and of course,
practice, practice, practice. 

Course Outline


In this module, tools and skill sets meet a variety of real-life scenarios and a heightened awareness of being (in addition to doing). Participants will be called to master their sensing of emotional fields and their awareness of the entire system. 


It immerses you deeply in the application of all the previous modules and allows you to experience directly, the answers to the following: 


  1. How do we know which tools to use in different situations?

  2. How do we seamlessly integrate all the tools learnt when the situation demands it?

  3. How do I develop fluidity and flexibility in my application of the tools? 


This module equips you with the combined richness of the stance of the systems worker in the face of change and progress.


In ORSC language, you will be introduced to and work with MetaSkills of Non-Attachment, Energetic Awareness, Disturbance as Ally, Meta View, Crazy Wisdom, Service & Deep Democracy; a deeper understanding of the process of Deep Democracy (Filtering/Sorting, Gaining Consensus, Identifying Roles and Ghost Roles, Locating Edges and Hot Spots, Escalation and De-escalation, and Temporary Resolution).


The intention of this module is to support coaches, trainers and facilitators to practice in a safe environment with adequate supervision by instructors and peers. 




Learning Outcomes


You will in this completion module of the advanced intermediate series, be introduced to, equipped and empowered with the following ORSC™ concepts, language and tools as learning outcomes.


You will master the competencies in integrating the entire program’s robust tool-box and skills in helping relationships systems, teams and organizations not just survive, but thrive. With Systems Integration: Moving Toward Mastery, you will:


  • Enhance your ability to accurately sense and monitor the environment or ‘emotional fields’ of both individual interactions and the entire system


  • Build your confidence as an Organization and Relationship Systems coach, consultant, therapist or counsellor


  • Boost your coaching toolkit and receive additional training in group, team and systems coaching


  • Deepen your understanding of the relationship dimensions of Relationship Intelligence, System Geography and Relationship Path and their different contributions to ORSC.




Who Would Benefit


  • Human growth partners

  • Organizational Development, Human Resource and Training professionals.

  • Organizational Leaders, CEOs, Managers and Executives  

  • Experienced Coaches, Transformation and Leadership Coaches  

  • Agile Coaches / Scrum Masters

  • Consultants

  • Change Agents and Leaders

  • Policymakers, futurists and systems workers






  1. ORSC™ Fundamentals or ORS@Work

  2. Intelligence: Roadmap to Change

  3. Geography: Roles & Structures

  4. Path: Vision & Potential




ICF Accreditation


By completing the ORSC™ Path course, you will receive a certificate and qualify for 18 ICF Continuous Coaching Education Units (CCEUs).

Course Outline
Learning Outcomes
Who Would Benefit
ICF Accreditation
Your ORSC™ Journey

(Click to access other modules)

Course Fees

Upcoming Course Dates




New Zealand



Interested in the ORSC™ Program and not a resident in the above-mentioned countries?  ​We'd be happy to assist.


Email us or chat with us below.


Course Benefits
Gold Standard in Coaching
Global Faculty
ORSC Practitioners Globally
Applicable Toolkits, Skillset, Mindset & Heartset
Diverse network & community of practice across APAC
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